Duo KS: Dominik Smużny & Stefan Kornacki
Prezentacja plenerowa neonu zburzonego „Hotelu Kosmos” z lat 70. XX wieku.
Obiekt - KOSMOS został sprowadzony przez artystów na Ziemię. Zdegradowany symbol nieosiągalnego. Stary neon, który nie świeci na niedostępnych pokładach wysokości. Pozbawiony tajemnicy. Poddawany woli człowieka. Ma przemieszczać się, odnajdywać w coraz to innych okolicznościach, przestrzeniach, symbolizować zachłyśnięcie się współczesnego świata Wszechświatem.
O twórcach
Duo K.S. - pod tym szyldem występują Stefan Kornacki i Dominik Smużny - artyści, performerzy, prestidigitatorzy, pragnący z tzw. "niczego" tworzyć nowe, zaskakujące, pełne harmonii i piękna sytuacje na polu i w charakterze sztuki obiektu, environment i instalacji. Działają w szeroko pojętej przestrzeni publicznej. Akcje duo KS przykuwają uwagę odbiorców, wciągając ich do świata, w którym artystyczna wolność wchodzi w układ z ogólnie dostępną rzeczywistością, tworząc nowe pełne kontrastów i metafor zdarzenia.
The ‘Kosmos’ project is related to the memory of the ‘Kosmos’ hotel, which was until recently one of the most important landmarks of the panorama of Toruń, on the left bank of Wisła River. Dominik Smuzny + Stefan Kornacki have brought the Cosmos down to the ground, in a migration which reminds us that those who think that the cosmos is just like a boundless, shapeless bubble, don't have to be right.
Many people have strong memories connected with this building. It is the symbol of communist propaganda, trying to offer the society, worn down by dull, everyday life, a little bit of ‘KOSMOS’ [Cosmos]. In January 2008, the management of Orbis S.A. decided to pull the ‘Kosmos’ hotel down and build two new hotels on the parcel instead. The Cosmos was demolished. Cosmos in Toruń was located at 2 Popiełuszko Street, in the vicinity of the Old Town and the Wisła river.
It was under the neon of Kosmos that Father Popiełuszko managed to escape for a moment from his persecutors. Thanks to the immediate reaction of the Bydgoskie Przedmieście Association and their efficient actions, the legal permission to take the neon down was obtained and the 40-year-old object did not end up on a scrapyard. It is a self-contained object, one of the highest achievements of typography of that times, the relic of the 20th century Communism and a perfect description of the epoch. We have brought the Cosmos down to the ground. It is to migrate and to find its way in new situations. It usually is the synonym of the Universe, it often refers to the outer space. It consists mainly of gases. It is expanding at the constantly increasing speed, but one day the expansion may slow down. It will stand still for a while just to start contracting, facing the ultimate Big Crunch. The world relishes the idea of cosmos. But those, who think that the cosmos is just like a boundless, shapeless bubble doesn't have to be right. ETERNITY – TIME – COSMOS. Oh, cosmos! The grandeur of civilisations, stretched over the square parsecs! The sublimity of the infinite space, the depths of time! The strange, unknown planets! Will you go and see the cosmos? Or maybe the COSMOS will come to see you?